One Nation, Under God

Raffle to help fund Fun Days in Saco underway

On Saturday, August 30, the folks in Saco are holding the 51st Annual Fun Days in an end of summer bash. In order to help raise funds for the event, the O'Briens have once again generously donated some artwork from their private collection to be raffled off.

Dale and Patsy O'Brien have donated a lovely picture of geese to be raffled off for the upcoming SAco Fun Days. The print, number 23 of 29, is by Jeff Walker, a well-known artist from Great Falls. Walker has exhibited his work at the C.M. Russell Museum in Great Falls, as well as other museums and shows statewide. The picture to be raffled depicts three geese in flight, two stationary in a pond, with a lovely fall day as they backdrop. The picture is in black and white and is of special significance to the area.

"Dale and Patsy donated this picture in honor of Dale's Dad, Eddy O'Brien, who was probably our number one goose hunter in this area," said Saco Mayor Howard Pippen. "Sometimes it was probably a contest between Eddie, Jake and Eddie's brother, Bob."

Pippen said that the O'Brien's donated three paintings from Malta's Judy Michael last year and raised over $500 for the Saco Chamber to hold Fun Days.

The tickets for the raffle will be $1 each or six for $5. Pippen said that after this week's Phillips County News comes out that he will include this story and a photo of the picture in the upcoming Saco Chamber News Letter. He said he also plans to display the picture at Pay N Save, the Cabin Café and the Old Brand Saloon and the PCN so keep an eye out.

Fun Days in Saco is August 30 and keeps with the 50-year tradition of holding the event the last Saturday proceeding Labor Day.

"We have a free barbeque dinner, a parade, kid's games and then at night a street dance," said Pippen. "Everyone is welcome to attend and we have a great time."

The event was started by many residents of Saco 50 years ago including Pippen's father, Clarence as well as Norman Mavencamp.

The raffle for the picture will be at Saco Fun Days. For more information on the raffle or the Saco Fun Days contact Howard Pippen at 527-3284 or "like" Saco Fun Days on Facebook. The parade starts off the festivities at 11 a.m. and look for more preview stories for the event in the coming pages of the Phillips County News.


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