One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of September 17, 2014

September 18, 1914

100 years ago

Advertisement: Come to Malta’s Big Celebration and Two-Day Street Carnival.

Thrilling Balloon Ascension Daring Parachute Descent by Prof. Leon Gage each day.

Tent Shows, Merry-Go-Round, Horse Races, Acrobatic Acts, Trapeze Act, Sensational High Divers. Don’t forget the dates: Tuesday, Sept. 30th and Wed. Oct. 1

Additional Locals: Adolph LaFond, Jr., has a telephone in his farm residence and any night you feel like talking just call him out of bed, the colder the night the better. He will like it.

September 21, 1939

75 years ago

Headline: High School defeated by...


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