One Nation, Under God

If my barn door is open, feel free to let me know

Fans of the front page weather spot -- I know there are at least a dozen of you – I must apologize as I’ve made a bit of a fuax pus in the last couple of weeks. I have forgotten to change the commentary in said feature and I’ve called for “warmer weather with a chance of rain” for at least three weeks in a row.


I forgot that I had started adding a synopsis to each week’s weather prediction and I haven’t changed it in a bit. It is a nice touch, I think, and I will now remember to change it on a weekly basis. However, If it is still reads “70-degree highs” in the middle of December, could someone please let me know that my barn door is open? ([email protected])


In exactly seven days I will be without my co-pilot, Pierre Bibbs, as he cashes in his vacation and takes his family to either Chicago or Billings (and no, if he chooses the later, he cannot bring anything back from Costco for you unless you are paying his membership dues.) I will be the solo reporter that week, covering any sports that may be held, so please don’t hold it against me when I, most likely, spell your child’s sporting-name incorrectly. I will get the correct name auto-saved at some point and no, it isn’t personal.

Back in the collegiate days, spelling a name wrong got you an automatic F. I suppose times have changed. When you are the boss, and no grades are being given, they are not called ‘mistakes,’ but rather ‘lessons.’

Live and learn.

Today’s newspaper is #32 of #56 and I love being a Phillips County resident and publisher of this newspaper. I know that since I’ve been here that the newspaper has changed a bit and it is taking some getting used to. That said, I know that this newspaper is heading in a great direction. There may be some changes on the horizon that will make a few unhappy for a minute or two – perhaps a switch in when said fishwarp hits the racks – but modifications I think most will be stoked about (anyone like the look of color pages? Not for sure, but I am fighting for it. )

A community newspaper is only as strong as the community that it represents and this community is bold, caring and resilient. This newspaper will make every attempt to mirror the community it represents and, I think, so far, so good. I thank you, dear reader – even you, David Rummell – for the opportunity to serve you and I challenge you to keep me, and in turn the community, informed about your opinions and things you know. It is my pledge that this newspaper will be stronger in each successive week it is published…with a clunker or two sporadically thrown in to keep you limber.

Thanks for reading and aloha


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