One Nation, Under God

Whitewater Rural News for week of January 28, 2015

Happy 83rd birthday to Howard Berg! Also, happy birthday to Patty Young and all the January birthdays.

There were ball games in Whitewater recently. An auction and supper were included.

Pastor Wisher, Anita and family, returned from their vacation visiting family in South Carolina and other places. There will be Baptist church at usual times again.

Whitewater Lutheran Church had a council meeting following services and a delicious potluck on Sunday, January 18.

Bob and Pat Anderson went to Great Falls and attended the rodeo last weekend.

Gloria – a Youth Ranch resident – returned from a trip to visit her son near Missoula.

Weather has been cold with snow, but “Chinook Winds” have melted most of the snow. Think Spring!

If you have news call me at 674-5576. Watch for icy roads and streets.


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