One Nation, Under God

Weeding through the nonsense

I get, on average, 200 emails per day.

No lie.

A few minutes ago (Wednesday night) I got 12, count ‘em, 12 , emails from Governor Steve Bullock’s office. I sifted through the first few to see if they had any relevance to our area and not one, count ‘em, 0, had anything to do with Phillips County.

No happy birthday card for our county turning 100 this week, no mention of the Malta Post Office hitting the 125-mark, nada. Nothing but jargon and agendas in these 12 emails. I wrote the sender of this onslaught a return email that, briefly, told him to “go get bent.” His email is [email protected] and please feel free to add his name to as many chain letters as you can find. My email is a big part of my lifeline to my community and when a Jackwagon like this carpet-bombs me with emails, none of them having to do with Phillips County, I get angry (or, as angry as one can get at internet-folk.)

[email protected] isn’t the only perpetrator. He/she is one of two dozen. He/she is just the latest and most aggressive. Twelve emails over three a hour span? To me, that is like assigning 12 chapters of War and Peace to a kindergarten student. It is overkill, people.

In my return email I let [email protected] know that his/her “stuff” had been sent to the SPAM folder, told him that I had marked him as “junkmailer” and that he will be quarantined until further notice. It’s not that I like or dislike our governor because he leans one way or the other, I just don’t appreciate get bombarded with emails that don’t have anything to do with the area of the state I live.

I have been asked to cover more politics in this paper by several of the PCN’s readers. I know I should be doing a better job of pointing out our local representatives, but sometimes it is “outta-sight, outta-mind.” They know that I have an open door policy about reporting on their politicking and they haven’t knocked yet. Sometimes, you get back what you put in. I would also like to cover the County Commissioners on a more regular basis, but their meetings start in the middle of the teeth of my busiest day of the week.

I am going to once again ask that our local representatives make an effort to call me once in awhile to keep me posted -- and in turn keep you posted -- about what they are doing in Helena. On my end, I’ll try to occasionally remove my head from all the things going on locally so I can see the bigger picture...try to see the forest through the trees.

As for the emails from the Govorner, well, as of Monday night at 5 p.m. he’s already got someone new sending me emails. I’m not sure what happened to [email protected] but I won’t miss him/her. Of the six emails the Gov’s office has sent today, none have anything much to do with Phillips County. Go figure.

Thanks for reading, for letting me know how you feel about the paper and Aloha.


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