One Nation, Under God

Boots and Saddles

End of year brings awards to young riders; Pierce, McKewen win

Boots and Saddles held their final event of the season and with that came fancy new buckles.

One winner, six-year-old Chance Pierce participated in many of the events including barrel, key and arena races. But he took home a few prizes, including a halter, a buckle and money after placing first in the short pattern horse event.

When asked about the money he won, he said he won $80.

"I don't know," Pierce said after being asked about his plans for his new bounty. "Buy something that was really special."

He then explained key race for those who had no idea what that was.

"Well, you run down those two poles on each side and you stop and you roll back and come home," Pierce said.

But his favorite event during boots and saddles, was not the key race. He prefers barrel racing.

"It's the longest event," Pierce said.

The horse he rides is affectionately named "Cat."

"Because it's made out of high brow cat," he said meaning the type of breed is high brow cat.

A close friend of Chance, Flint McKewen also did well in Boots and Saddles.

McKewen had also participated in the barrel, key and arena races.

His favorite of the three was also barrel racing.

"It's a longer event," McKewen said.

He won a halter and money, but unlike Pierce, McKewen knew what he was doing with his prize money.

"I'm going to buy hay," He said.

McKewen and his friend Kayden Green both went to the rodeo at the Phillips County Fair a week ago and McKewen assured the PCN that he did not participate.

He enjoyed the bull riding event the most. Green on the other hand, preferred the Saddle Bronc Riding.

"They crash into the fence," Green said. "It was Daulton Peterson. The horse was bucking and he hit the fence and flipped over the horse and he got knocked out on the cement."

Though he saw the rider get thrown over the fence, Green plans on participating in Saddle and Bareback Bronc riding when he is older.

For now, Green enjoys key racing at boots and saddles. His fastest ride was 19 seconds.

"Run fast. Turn him and run fast," Green said.


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