One Nation, Under God

This one is inspired by Idiocracy

I understand that what I’m about to say does not apply to everyone but I want to try and paint a picture.

I’ve never taken kindly to bullying of any kind. Whether it be teasing, roasting, hitting, etc., I have always been against it.

Riding home from school, kids would roast each other. Eventually they started roasting me and I learned how to respond with my own jokes. When a kid thought they could pick on me I eventually fought back because that was the only way I knew how to overcome bullying.

I realized around my sophomore year in high school that there are just some things you have to let go.

I know that there will always be people that want to push buttons and stir pots but thanks to the internet, people have felt the need to share everything on their minds.

The issue with the internet is it is easy to say something completely ignorant and hide behind a keyboard. Once that status or post is shared it can do massive damage to the target of the post.

No matter how “tough” you claim to be when someone personally attacks you, it bothers you in some way, shape or form.

For some people, they hear time and time again that they aren’t any good, or too dumb, or ugly or insert nasty comment (here). Those particular people can only take so much. That negativity shapes their lives and eventually their demons get the better of them and their burden takes them to their grave.

Whatever generation you are from, sometimes a thing as small as a word can cut deeper than you think.

I’m just sick of the negativity. Let’s cut the crap keyboard warriors. Freedom of Speech does not mean say whatever is in your head. Thanks to common sense, people also have the freedom to think about their words before they destroy someone. I would love to think that civilized conversation is something we can look forward to in the future. Has anyone seen Idiocracy? It is a crude movie, but if we don’t shape up, that may be our beloved country one day.

I know it is the same soap box that I stood on in last week's column space, but let's be nice to one another.

It shouldn't matter where you come from, where you are or where you are going.

We all bleed. Love it or not, we live in the same great country. (Minus a few readers.)

Let us use our words to lift each other up, not continue to tear each other a part. Your words can inspire or destroy.


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