One Nation, Under God

All decisions should be 'America First'

Dear Editor,

Amazing - during the presidential campaign candidate Trump promised "America First."

With President Trump's budget cuts to many social and health programs for many financially disadvantaged Americans - Trump chose to go after the Syria's deplorable activity against THEIR people - recently the chemical gassing - an unbelievable happening - spending for missiles alone was $59 MILLION.

Thought the Constitution requires Congress to OK any order to go to war unless it is an imminent to the United States.

Unfortunately planes were flying from the bombed airport within 36 hours. Guess Assad didn't get the message.

One of the missiles missed the mark via GPS failure — we should get the million paid back for failure to perform. Guess we will have to contact the manufacturer Raytheon for a refund.

As American's we are very giving and many of us were so moved by what we saw in Syria yet we know we must handle our financial obligations responsibly.

Hopefully, President Trump will choose to seek advice before ordering invasions. Shouldn't all decisions be considered “America First?"

Barbara Schlocker



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