One Nation, Under God

Malta School Board Recap

The Malta School District held their first regular school board meeting last Wednesday in which the three school principals gave their reports as mid-terms are already nearing.

Malta Elementary School

Malta Elementary School Principal Theodore Schye informed the trustees that enrollment at the school currently sits at 232 (not counting pre-K) adding he estimates the highest he has seen the student body in his tenure was 278 when the sixth grade still attended the school and the lowest was 212 (without a sixth grade.)

“The highest without our sixth graders is about 245 to kind of give you an idea where the enrollment currently,” Principal Schye said.

Principal Schye said that the students attended Ag Day at Hinman Ranch earlier in the semester and the crowd favorite exhibit was that of the homemade ice cream stand.

“It was a big hit,” he said. The entire day was very well received.”

Principal Schye said that elementary volleyball is at the half-way point of their seasons and mid-terms are to be sent out this Friday.

Malta Middle School

Malta Middle School Principal Shawn Bleth informed the trustees that enrollment is currently at 112.

Principal Bleth said there are currently 24 girls participating in MMS volleyball — adding that those numbers are "outstanding" — including two students from Dodson School. Principal Bleth said there are 36 students playing middle school football (enough for two different teams) with five from Dodson, one from Saco and 30 from Malta.

Officers for the Builder's Club and Student Council were recently named at MMS and Principal Bleth said the Student Council has been assisting Mrs. Shyla Clausen with cleanup after home football games.

"Mrs. Clausen just has them ascend on the place and they get it done fast," he said. "It's really nice that they are doing that."

Principal Bleth finished by informing the trustees that the new shed at Murray Field for middle school football has been constructed and once it has been tinned, he will invite the PCN down for a tour and a story.

Malta High School

Malta High School Principal and Activities Director Scott King informed the trustees that enrollment at the high school is currently at 138, down 11 from last year. Principal King said that just 21-percent of parents showed up at a recent open house at the high school and added that he and Principal Bleth are working on some ways to get a better turnout for the event.

Principal King encouraged the trustees to let the public know that the MHS website —, all three schools link from this URL — is a very strong tool in keeping up-to-date with upcoming events and a place to find such items as bullying and harassment forms, Infinity Campus, student handbooks and vacation schedules. Among the events on the 2017/18 calendar on the website is the 2018 MHS Graduation which will be held on Sunday, May 20 starting at 2 p.m.

During the activities report, Principal King introduced MHS Volleyball Co-Coach Kalli Reintjes (in her second season with co-coach Tasha Hines), Thea Solberg — in her 14th year as cross country coach and first-year football coach Jim Benn, who also teaches Spanish and history at the High School. All three coaches said they are both pleased with the number of participants of each team this season and how the student-athletes approach their respective sports.


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