One Nation, Under God

Will I ever lift again?

I was supposed to start my New Year’s Resolution today. Of course, at the time I am writing this, it is the first day of March.

I wasn’t in a good spot to start working out again on the first of the year, so I sat on it. Yes, I sat on my keister.

The sad thing is that sometime over a year ago I lost my drive to lift weights. I had been work-ing out in a weight room since high school and gradually, I just stopped. Never saw it coming.

I guess I liked the prospect of sleeping in as opposed to voluntarily waking up at 4 a.m. every morning. Maybe I stopped because I was feeling my age and bad eating habits caught up with me. It could be because a have a toddler.

Fast forward to 2018, and here we are trapped in the snow. About two days before the day I was supposed to start working out again (Thursday, March 1), I attempted to clear some snow off of my house with a roof scraping tool that has a 20-foot pole.

I was encouraged by how much snow I was able to move without use of a ladder or being on top of my roof, but after an hour or so, I realized that trekking through mid-thigh high snow, coupled with the scraped snow off my roof, was a full body workout that would cause DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

Now as I sit at my desk, working out sounds like a bad idea. Will I make it to the weight room again? I will keep you posted.

For those wondering, PJ is a lot better than he was a couple of weeks ago. It would seem as though the doctor got it right and PJ has responded well to his prescribed antibiotic medicine.

PJ is back to his normal self and seems even more happy than he was before he was sick be-cause he feels so much better. He even wants daddy to hold him more than ever; that could be because Susan is a month away from having our second child and she cant hold him, but I will take it!


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