One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News and Opinion for July 3, 2018

Note to landowners and all cattle and animal owners: Keep your gates shut and fences repaired to avoid roadkill accidents.

To all drivers: Watch for livestock, and more importantly, watch for pedestrians, especially at night when visibility is limited. (Sympathy to people who have had accidents lately.)

We had thunder, lightning and a real downpour of rain. That’s wonderful and it makes fields, crops, grass and gardens all grow.

Kathleen DePuydt of California was visiting Helen (her mother.)

Happy anniversary to Curt and Jan Reichelt! Many more.

Now that summer is here, our families are going on vacations in different directions.

The Hills went to Texas to a graduation and to other places to visit family and friends.

Mr. Darrin Cummings (Whitewater Superintendent) is mowing tall grass next to the highways for the hay. Their oldest girl is in Bozeman being a counselor at MSU College. One girl enjoys going to the lake (Nelson Reservoir as we all enjoy.)

Most of Whitewater Lutheran Church attended the 100 Year Celebration of the Malta Lutheran Church! (Whitewater and Malta are Unity Churches.) There were visiting pastors from various locations. They had all served the Lutheran Churches in the past. Irene, a former Whitewater resident, and her husband also attended the event. A delicious dinner followed.

The Milk River Gospel Jamboree was June 22-through-25. Music groups from all over the US and Canada performed. It was beautiful music. There was also meals and auctions. Many from this area attended the Jamboree including Sally Austin, Linda Berg, the Bruce Hill family, the Hellies and myself. Irene and her family also attended the Jamboree and visited the Sleeping Buffalo Hot Springs.

There were many campers with trailers and motorhomes on roads at the lake and at Sleeping Buffalo.

Next is July 4, 2018. Enjoy, but please drive carefully.

Helen A.


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