One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Big excitement tomorrow morning, the eclipse of the sun is happening from Maine to Texas!

We’ll have about 50% covered! It is a natural phenomenon but still special since it doesn’t happen very often. My dad would make sure we kids saw the eclipses, whether solar or lunar.

He always wanted us to witness the unusual beauty of Mother Nature. Do not look at the eclipse without special glasses!

Cindy Clark reported that Loring has an unusually large amount of robins right now. They are on their migration north to the mating areas. The robins that stay near Loring will be building their nests. Robins don’t use birdhouses. They like to use the branches of trees or a platform.

I’ll be in northern Phillips County this weekend and I’m hoping to catch some meadowlark songs while I’m there.

I painted several stones and left them around the facility for people to find and rehide or keep.

It was fun!

I’ve had quite the week. Before Easter, I thought I was getting a cold. But it kept getting worse, so I went to the walk-in clinic close by on Monday. I tested positive for Covid, so I isolated myself for the rest of the week. I feel so much better.

My niece, Vivian Fredrick, Dee’s daughter, has placed third in the national USASA Youth Women Slope Style skiing competition. You can see her reels on Instagram. She is 16 and attends school in Oregon. She is competing in rails also. It seems scary to me!

Have a great week, everyone!


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