One Nation, Under God

Blood Draw Short, Deemed Successful

Terry Hotchkiss, coordinator of the American Red Cross Blood Drive Program, said while only 57 pints of the goal of 60 units were collected, both she and the Great Falls American Red Cross team were pleased with the turnout and results.

Donations were received from Alisha Gibbs, Mariah Marino, Carol Brown, Billie Maxie, Anne Boothe, Monika Taylor, Scott King, Mary Lundstrom, David Veseth, Jim Carver, Heidi Lulloff, Marcus Knudsen, Rachel Liff, Chelsea Hoagland, Betty Hasler, Clayton Hallenberg, Vincent Schmoeckel, Ronda Simanton, Doug Simanton, Dan Wiederrick, Philip Munoz, Scott Meneely, Jill Hould, Pam Newman, Paul Mortenson, Emma Oyler, Kevin Stevens and Katie Ottinger.

Also donating were Archie Dunbar (Whitewater) Velyma Broadhead (Dodson), Lulu Belle Besel (Whitewater), and Jack Kelly (Zortman).

Other donors did not sign the sheet for permission to release their name to the PCN.

Terry stated she was appreciative of the help with lunch that was provided by the Assembly of God Church, who also assisted with clean-up and closure. Donor registration volunteers were Elder and Sister Cutright, Kari Hould and Dana Sue Rogers. As always, a special note of appreciation is extended to the donors, who know the value of their donation.

Call the Red Cross Office to schedule an appointment for the next drive, which is Thursday, July 11th.


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