One Nation, Under God

Ann Coulter is a vile sow

Sorry for the ambiguous headline. I know that statement leaves you wondering on where I stand on this person. I’ve always suspected that Ann Coulter was of the swine species, but she went ahead and confirmed it as fact this past week…she is the slimiest of slimes.

I try to stay away from religion and politics in my weekly blathering and, to be honest, this column isn’t so much about my political beliefs but rather my thoughts on blowhards trying to sell books. Ms. Coulter falls under this heading as last week she was asked if it bothers her that her votescounts just as much as someone who knows nothing about politics.

"More than I can say," Coulter oinked. "I just think it should be, well for one thing, a little more difficult to vote. There's nothing unconstitutional about literacy tests."

Now I am going to have to partially agree with Ms. Piggy. I imagine that 80-percent of this country could be better versed on American politics, myself at the head of the class. Only 58.2-percent of the eligible voters turned out for the last presidential election in 2012 (129,085,403 out of 235,248,000 to be exact) compared to the 132-million who voted for American Idol in that same year. Were all those people who voted in the presidential election informed voters?


But, might mainstream media outlets like Fox News (which grants her airtime) and MSNBC (whom used to employ her) be as much to blame for uneducated voters as anything in America?


So let’s say for the sake of Coulter’s argument that we do away with voting rights and force would-be voters to pass a literacy test and disenfranchise a slew of people. Now, for the sake of the same argument, let’s pretend that a male of Ms. Coulter’s ilk, let’s call him “Buddy Menareright," decides that since we are changing how people in America can vote that, how about, in order for women to vote, they have to prove they are women. Or prove that they will vote the same as their husband. Or if they aren’t married, Christian, employed etc…they can’t vote.

I wonder if Ann Coulter would think those ideas are also not “unconstitutional?”

Coulter in entitled to her opinion. Let us hope that there is never a day that she is not entitled to her right to vote.


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