One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of September 28, 2016

100 years ago

September 28, 1916

Leading Malta Citizens donate site for Phillips County Courthouse

This week a number of enterprising citizens who were of the opinion that site donated by Mr. Trafton was not as desirable as could be secured, raised enough money to purchase 140x300 feet between Fifth and Sixth Avenues in the same block as the Standard Garage and have offered it to the county free of charge to be used as a courthouse site. With donating of the lot in block 7 we are of the opinion that the new site will not only meet with the approval of the people of Malta but with the taxpayers of the entire county.

Editor's Note: A late headline, as the paper went to press the last week of September, 1916, The Enterprise ran a headline over the courthouse story stating "Just as we go to press we learn that at a special session this afternoon at which all of the commissioners of Phillips County were present, it was decided to retain the Trafton site as originally planned for the reason that the new proposed site offered was inadequate for the building thereon of the buildings necessary for county purposes, and there fore the site known as the Fifth Avenue site was not accepted.

World in Brief

Cheyenne – gasoline has been reduced one cent a gallon to 22 cents.

Washington D.C.– Supplementary legislation in connection with eight-hour law is expected to be passed by Congress in December.

Chicago – Irregularities in connection with private banks have led to one suicide. The state government is investigating several institutions of questionable reputation.

75 years ago

September 25, 1941

On sale at Kronschnabel's

Your Fall Hat, 98¢ to $1.98...Zippy little pompadour pill boxes . . . soft draped turbans . . . newest ripple brims . . . classic felts . . . styled to the minute, definitely YOU!

Meat Dept. beef roast, 23¢, beef short ribs 12 1/2 ¢ and Swift's sliced bacon, 15¢.

State's Radio Net for Defense is given first action

Montana's defense radio network went into action for the first time last week

Tom D. Vaverly, state defense coordinator, said the plan, which will see one or two "ham" or amateur short wave radio operators handling communications of a state defense nature, became reality with a message sent to Claude Gray of Big Timber, defense commissioner.

Yuh Don't Say

Woolie one.

Sherlock Holmes: "Ah, Watson, I see you have on your winter underwear."

Dr. Watson: "Marvelous, Holmes, marvelous – how did you ever deduce that?"

Holmes: "You forgot to put on your pants."


Boss (to office boy who has come in late): Young man, you ought to take a lesson from the busy bee.

Office boy: I did sir. I was out last night with my honey.

50 years ago

September 29, 1966

Rainbow Girls installed officers Monday night

Marie Compton was installed worthy advisor of the Malta Assembly, Order of the Rainbow for Girls at the regular meeting Monday night. Mrs. J. W. Campbell was the installing officer; Mrs. Roger Ulrich, chaplain; Mrs. William Waters, recorder; Mr. Richard DeVries, organist and Myrna Mangis, marshal.

Nancy Walker was istalled as associate advisor; Terry Seel, charity; Ruth Leib, hope.

Tall corn raised on Ereaux place used for cattle feeding

Corn harvested recently on the Ted Ereaux farm averaged between 25 and 30 ton per acre. The warm, dry weather this season contributed to the good yield. Ereaux has raised silage corn for the past five years. Silage corn provides a high quality feed and the processing makes it easier to handle and cheaper to care for than shocking and feeding in fodder.

25 years ago

September 25, 1991

Local realty agency has new affiliation with United

Gary J. and Barbara Anderson along with their staff of Associates, Tom Steele, Gregg Mengee, Russ Cebulski and Jay Nunn, have become affiliated with United National Real Estate in Malta. Their office, known as Northwest Realty, United National, will service Phillips County and the surrounding areas.

10 years ago

September 23, 2006

Study Commission recommends changes to Malta's government

Every 10 years, the Montana Constitution gives voters a chance to evaluate their current form of government to determine if a better alternative is available.

Malta's voters decided to have a study . . . three changes have been amended which can only be made by a vote of the people and will have the full force of law when, and if, the people vote to accept them.

The three recommendations are:

1. Change the plan of general governing to self-governing powers.

2. Change from partisan elections to non-partisan election for city council members and mayor.

3. Add a section for energy which will provide the city council with the authority to contract, own, sell or operate an energy utility – much like Saco's authority to sell the natural gas owned by the city, creating a source of income for the Community.

Other considerations, not a part of the report, were:

4. We would like to recommend Law Enforcement revert back to the original agreement of nine or 10 person force.

5. The City/County become one Refuse District with the dump site in Phillips County.

6. Snow removal plans be made in advance so the route could be published in media before removal begins.

Micaela Olson wins CastingKids competition

Micaela Olson, 9, daughter of Quint and Wendy Olson, won in her age division of the Bassmaster's CastingKids competition held in Missoula.

Micaela competed against other boys and girls in the 7-10 age group. The competition consisted of skills in flipping, pitching and casting a lure at a target.

For her effort, Micaela won a fishing rod and reel, a gold medal, along with the opportunity to compete in the state competition to be held in Kalispell.


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