One Nation, Under God

The Dog days of Summer are on the way

The Romans referred to the dog days as diēs caniculārēs and associated the hot weather during the days with the star Sirius – the Dog Star – and believed it to be an evil time when the “sea boiled” and “burning fevers” ensued. Sounds like dinner at my Mother-in-law’s house, but I digress.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac lists the period of the dog days as running from July 3 through August 11, also pointing to the Dog Star but adding that this is the time of year with the least amount of rainfall in the Northern Hemisphere.

Before I became a “journalist” the dog days of summer, to me, referred to the Major League Baseball season and more specifically, my awful San Diego Padres. July is the third month of the baseball season and typically my baseball team is so far out of playoff contention that I stop watching the sport all together. This year seems to be following suit as the Friars, in a word, stink.

As summer looms here in Phillips County, here comes those dog days. I have some experience as a community journalist during the dog days and I can tell you that stories often become hard to track down…especially when said community journalist is as new to his beat as I am. Woof, woof.

My column today is to ask you, dear reader, to help me deal with the DDOS by submitting story ideas to me – [email protected]. I’m looking for leads on features, sporting events not often covered, off-beat family or relatives that might have funny stories to share or anything that you think would be news worthy. I’m looking for Little League baseball games, a grandma who makes the best potato salad, an uncle who can throw a Frisbee farther than anyone in the county, you name it, I’ll write about it.

Back in my journalism school training days, I once had a professor tell me that it takes a good two years to learn a new news beat. I’ve only been here in Phillips County for three months and I am getting more comfortable with finding things to write about in my new community, but a lot of things go unreported and for that I apologize. I want to be everywhere and report on everything and though I know that is unrealistic, it is the goal.

If you get me the lead, I’ll do my due diligence in tracking down the story. As we roll through the up-coming DDOS there are many news worthy items that I am looking forward to writing about. The Phillips County Fair and the Phillips County Motorsports IHRA races quickly fall under that category. While I know where to find preview stories or race times, I’m asking that if you know of any local color that goes with those events, send me a tip and I will try to drum up side stories to run with the obvious ones.

As always, I look forward to getting stories sent to me that are already written so keep them coming. If you have never written a story for the PCN, why not? No one knows the Phillips County news beat better than the folks who live here and know what is going on. If you aren’t sure if your story idea is a good one, just ask … 9.5 times out of 10 I will say ‘yes it is’ and ask you to submit it. Need help writing it? Again, I’m just a phone call, office visit or email away.

Thanks for reading and Aloha.


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