One Nation, Under God

Members sought for Region 6 Citizen Advisory Committee

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking applicants to fill four volunteer positions on the Region 6 Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).

The CAC is a general advisory committee that provides input and guidance to FWP on a variety of issues—from wildlife and fisheries management to access, state parks, outdoor recreation and law enforcement. The committee is designed to have a membership that represents a variety of northeast Montana communities and natural resource interests.

Applicants must live in FWP Region 6, which includes the counties of Hill, Blaine, Phillips, Valley, Daniels, Sheridan, Roosevelt, and portions of McCone, Richland and Choteau Counties. FWP welcomes applications from hunters, anglers, nongame advocates, trappers, boaters, outfitters and guides, state parks and tourism advocates, campers and other outdoor recreationists, and anyone with an interest in natural resource issues.

The panel of volunteers typically has three meetings a year, usually at the Fort Peck Fish Hatchery. Members can serve for up to two consecutive, three-year terms. Meals and travel expenses are provided.

The function of the CAC is to:

•Provide a forum for ongoing two-way communication with our neighbors and communities;

•Help FWP identify emerging issues;

•Provide advice and perspective on important resource and management issues;

•Assist FWP with crafting local, sustainable solutions on regional and statewide issues.

Applicants will be asked to provide an overview of their interests and involvement in natural resource issues and write a few sentences on why they are interested in serving on the CAC.

To apply, contact FWP at 406-228-3704, email Marc Kloker [email protected], or stop by the Region 6 office at 54078 U.S. Highway 2 West in Glasgow.

Completed applications must be received by December 1, 2015. FWP personnel will then review applications and select the new members. Successful applicants will be invited to attend their first CAC meeting in January, 2016.


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