One Nation, Under God

We are Thankful

We had a reason to be thankful this Thanksgiving.

I have to admit I am not completely a fan of sonograms as far as checking in on developing babies, but we had one the day before Thanksgiving.

I get that they like to make sure that the baby is developing, but poking the baby seems invasive.

This time I was thankful, regardless of the $400 bill that will hit my bank account.

For those that don’t know, we had a miscarriage earlier this year. So for our peace of mind, it was good to see that everything is developing right.

This was also the first sonogram that the doctors could see the sex of the baby.

This took me back to the sonogram that our former doctor thought that we were having a baby girl. I knew in my mind that PJ was a boy in the womb. Later we of course found out that I was right when PJ was born.

This baby, who we are naming Lincoln Dion (if it is a boy) was not shy at all like PJ was. The surveillance pointed to parts that seemed unmistakable.

Yes I am still skeptical of the doctor’s educated guesses but I am happy that everything seems to be developing well and that my wife has peace of mind.

PJ had been thinking throughout this pregnancy that he would be getting a baby sister. When we told him that he was getting a brother, he reacted pretty well. And it seems like he is looking forward to meeting baby Lincoln.

With last weekend being longer than typical, we also tried our hand at potty training PJ. The good news, he pees, the bad news, he doesn’t seem to have any interest in going number two in his cushioned Paw Patrol potty.

As far as Thanksgiving goes, it went pretty well but I have to admit I had the blues because I am missing my family. But that did not stop me from eating my fill of turkey, yams and stuffing.


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