One Nation, Under God

Loring News for May 23, 2018

A memorial service for Billie Dunbar was celebrated at the Whitewater Lutheran Church on Saturday. Billie attended school in Whitewater and was a classmate of Leroy Simonson, George Anderson, Pat Dunbar, Susan Allery, Robin McMullen, Bobby Ocshner, and me.

Michael and Brenda Flansaas and Rachelle of Alaska have been visiting his parents, Ruth and John Flansaas and sisters, Gloria and Jerry Salveson and Carol and Pete Lumsden. Carol hosted a beautiful roast beef dinner at the church on Sunday for many family members!

I was the guest of honor at the North 40 for a retirement party hosted by the Whitewater staff! Valeria and Mike Beyer were over from Hinsdale and Nancy and Jim Murdock were up from Belgrade and Malta. Mike and Nancy were colleagues of mine in previous years! My son Rodney, Jeanie Schroder,

Saige and Zoey Stordahl were also wishing me well!

Venus is very bright in the western sky at sundown! Oh yeah, I promised to tell you about the chick hatch. When we candled them at 14 days, six eggs were not viable. So we ended with only 17 eggs for the last week. Monday we heard peeping and one egg had a peck hole. No further action all day! Tuesday as I turned the key, I said oh please be alive chick! When I looked in, 10 eggs had hatched! Then during the day, six more broke out so we ended with 16 chicks. I am beyond thrilled!


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