One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News and Opinion for January 16, 2019

Sympathy to Connie Wasson and family on the loss of her mom, Agnes Erickson, of Saco.

Happy birthday to all January birthdays, especially baby Cecelia Reichelt, Born in Colorado!

The baby is the granddaughter of Janice and Kurt Reichelt. Congratulations to the family and the proud parents.

On New Year’s Eve, there was a party at the North 40 and hors d’oeuvres were served. There was also live music. The Trembly Band -- including Spanky --played. The music was fantastic.

On New Year’s Day, Janice Reichelt hosted a delicious dinner for the family, including me. Nice time.

Hello to Wanda, the daughter of Marlene Dennis. I saw Wanda, who is staying at the allergy place, near White water.

Fred Alary Sr. has lived at the homeplace in Whitewater most of his life except when he served in the US Army.

Another family friend I saw recently was Darvin Rush. His father was the fish and game officer at Phillips County for many years and is now retired. Darvin now lives in Missoula.

Jeanne Green flew to Billings then went to Miles City to watch the grandchildren play basketball games.

Speaking of basketball, there will be a game in our penguin Whitewater gym with the Mavericks on January 24. Lunch will be served there.

On January 10 I went to Saco to a great church dinner and service. Janice Green took Patty Young and me, and we met Gail there. It was very nice.

Some of Linda Berg‘s family was in Whitewater over the holidays.

There were also other guests in our Whitewater area.

So far this year, we have no snow. This winter has been a real change from last year-December, January, and February 2018. We had so much snow, and cold temps, way below zero and even 20 or 30 below, for weeks and weeks. On New Year’s Eve 2018, it was 35 below! This year, it is warm and above zero.

Happy new year,

Helen A.


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