One Nation, Under God

I am starting to sweat

My anxiety is going up. Not for the reason that you would believe. In fact, writing about this may not be a great idea, but here we go.

I’m starting to sweat. I’m uneasy because in a couple of weeks, it will be my birthday. I love having a day where my birth is being celebrated but the gift part hasn’t been easy.

I’m one of those people that it is nearly impossible to buy a gift for. While many times, I am very appreciative of the gifts that I receive, there are some gifts that I have no poker face with. Feelings are hurt. Sorries are said.

I am a terrible gift receiver! Unless I am in love with the gift at first glance, I typically don’t know how to act overjoyed and the variance of reactions are truly telling!

Yes. I feel bad every time I forgot to crack a smile when opening a gift from a loved one. It’s one of the many reasons that I am glad that I don’t have birthday parties. Could you imagine giving someone a gift and then being able to tell that they are not as excited about it as you are? That’s me. Honestly I hate that I am that way.

Honestly I am always thankful for any gift, though I have issues showing it. To my dear wife, I apologize for my gift-opening behavior over the past several years.

Susan always gets me well thought-out gifts, but many times it takes me days or weeks to come around to them. She got me sweatpants as a Christmas gift. Didn’t love the gift initially but now, I would wear sweats all year around if people accepted it. There was also the Great Roku Incident of 2018. Another gift that took me months to fully appreciate. But I came around. Y’all wish me luck on October 5.


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