One Nation, Under God

This is not the country that we grew up in

Dear Readers,

I don't know if any of you are feeling like myself, but I feel like we're on a cliff and they're pushing us over the edge. Our country doesn't look or act like the country we grew up in. I'm tired of it and I think it is time for us to stand up and stop taking it. We need to know what they are teaching in our schools, what our government is passing, taking away, mandating. Our gov't just tried to pass a 3.5 trillion dollar bill, and it's not even that much money that is ludicrous, it's the fine print. They are dismantling our country piece by piece.

All in the name of Equity. Seems we can't bring the rest of the world up to our standard of living, so we must bring America down to theirs'. Notice how they have us fighting over stupid crap? It's like a magician doing a magic trick, look at this hand and ignore what they're doing with the other. They are going for the Great Reset. That's where we are ruled by one-world government. "They know best, we are useful idiots." This has been in the works for years, and the rich and powerful want not to help the world, i.e. the green new deal, they want the power and money.

You can look up this stuff on their own platform, the World Economic Forum is a good place to start. One of their commercials that run on different media, like Youtube is, "You will own nothing, and like it." Things are going to start getting crazy, shelves will be empty again, food shortages, no new cars that aren't electric. Don't know about you, but I'm not sure of a charging station here in Montana to even get you to Billings, let alone home. This is the last year the car companies are making regular cars. Come next year, they will all be hybrid gas/electric, by 2030 no gas cars just electric. They are banning coal plants, so how are we going to have electricity for all these cars? Windmills? Our entire nation would have to be covered with windmills, literally. Solar energy? Where are we going to get solar panels? China, because our gov't took away our ability to harvest our minerals to make them. How are we going to heat our homes? Since Biden got into office natural gas is up 175%!

Hopefully, you are now curious, maybe even a little ticked that they are trying to ruin the greatest experiment that man has ever tried, man governing himself. They're trying to take God out of absolutely everything, don't let them run Him out of our country. One of our founding fathers said, "This Republic can only work by a society who is moral and just. It won't work with secularism."

Want a place to start? Start with Senator Tester. He keeps voting the Pelosi agenda no matter what it would do to farmers and ranchers. Not to mention what they are doing with our energy reliance on everybody else but ourselves. The more voices that he hears from here in Montana that we are not going to take it anymore, the better. I call his office every time there is a vote on something that would hurt us here. Be it leave voting as a state’s right, green new deal crap, taxing us to death. I encourage everyone to get involved, listen to more than one station. To contact Tester's office his phone number is (202) 224 2644. You'll get his asst. but he needs to hear from us.

Another place to start is your own school. Go to a school board meeting and find out what they are teaching our kids. What books are in the library? What is being said in the sex education class? The history class? How about in science?

Thanks for reading and getting involved,

- Sam Kindle



Reader Comments(1)

hbpip1012 writes:

What do they teach at schools? Not sex education, not proper history. History gets a big F from me. Our older kids had a hard time even grasping it in college. Lack of diverse history and correct history. Sex education went away long ago. I learned more in Catholic school then they learn now. Sick of politics. We need to stop defining people on their political stance and start defining people by how they treat others.

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