One Nation, Under God


What do Garth Brooks, Neil Armstrong, Michael Jordan, Jane Pauly, Jon Bon Jovi, and Bruce Springsteen have in common? What do they have in common with Sandra (Nicholson) Calk, Katy Anderson, Joe Nicholson, and even our own Draven Lageson and Shawn Bleth? Those are local individuals. Some former residents and graduates include Doug Kaufman, Shannon (Hould) Stroh, Maureen (Golik) Lundman, Denise (Maloney) Boothe, Sarina (Green) Venable, and Kristen Wiederrick.

All these individuals had the privilege and opportunity to attend a 7-day event at the State Capitol as Boys State and Girls State delegates. The educational opportunity is sponsored by the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary. Contacts for these organizations are Ken Wiederrick (406-399-3944), Jim Sintler (406-654-1756), Charlie Stevens (406-6544722), Jerry Mahan (406-654-4594), and Kari Hould (406-390-3552). Any of these individuals will gladly visit you as a parent or a student. Beyond attending, there are numerous scholarship opportunities available to attendees. This once-in-a-lifetime event is approaching soon, scheduled for July 2-8 in Helena. The program for young men was started in 1935, and the young lady’s program started in 1937.

The summer leadership programs are for those youth who have completed their junior year in high school. Youth are selected and registration expenses are paid by the local American Legion and Auxiliary.

As a student or parent, one might be pondering what the benefit of attending is. Each youth will gain from attending, according to how they apply themselves. The program is not only for the outgoing and bubbly kid, many have attended and benefited through personal growth and confidence.

Those who attended were asked what they learned, what they thought about the program, and if they would recommend it. Everyone we were able to contact and visit with had nothing but positive things to say about it.

Joe Nicholson, of Malta, said, “It was a good experience and I enjoyed it. It taught us how the ‘system’ works and develops from the Mayor on up to the Governor. We learned the power of large schools vs small schools - they came ready with whom they intended to run for the various offices – similar to what happens across the nation. We learned how those from the boondocks (small towns) and sparse population don’t always get representation.” He added he, “would recommend it to anyone considering it – you meet so many kids it is worth it.”

Joe’s sister, Sandra Calk, was a delegate to Girls State in her junior year.

At the session, those attending are divided into groups, similar to towns or cities, and assigned citizens to (mock) political parties. They meet and craft their own unique platforms. From these cities and towns, they elect county officials and state officials, such as governor and lieutenant governor.

Because the hundreds of students at any given Boys/Girls State represent the top talent of that age year, being elected to a high office, such as governor, at the event can be an important distinguishing achievement for college or military admissions.

Those locals listed above have given permission to have their names listed here for parents and students to contact with questions about what happens at this governmental event.

Since 1947, each program can send two delegates to Boys Nation and Girls Nation which is held in Washington, DC.

While each state’s offerings differ, many programs offer college credit to those attending Boys/Girls State. Also, the Samsung American Legion Scholarship, which can only be applied for by Boys/Girls State attendees, is an endowed scholarship fund of $5 million administered by the American Legion. In 2010, ten $20,000 scholarships and 88 $1,000 scholarships were awarded to those who completed Boys/Girls State programs. Attendance at Boys State carries the same weight on a resume’ as earning the distinction of Eagle Scout, especially when applying to US military schools and academies.

For various reasons, interest in the programs has been very low and no one has applied from here for quite some time. Parents and students are urged to check this out. The plus side is being eligible for other scholarships, as stated.


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