One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for May 14

Less than half the registered voters came and exercised their right to vote on Tuesday last. Successful candidates voted in for the Dodson School election were Joe Nicholson for a two year term and Bonnie Lankford for a three year term.

Dora Henry went with nine other members of the Council on Aging and interested people by car and transit bus to Chester to tour their new Senior Citizen Center and have lunch and talk to the people in charge. They visited with the director of the center, the main cook and two of the county commissioners and had many questions answered, plus having a guided tour of the beautiful new building.

Polly Solberg left on Thursday to fly to Florida to visit a nephew and family.

Terri Cole went to Glasgow on Thursday for a refresher course on chemicals and mosquito spraying. They say it “might” get warm enough to bring them out soon.

Dora Henry enjoyed a “Mother’s Day” dinner with Bill and Marilyn Henry at the GN on Saturday. Esther Brosseau and her son Dick of Billings were also out as were several others. Jerry and Bonnie Lankford enjoyed Mother’s Day dinner with daughter Bridgette and family in Malta on Sunday.

Numbers were down for the blood drawing on Thursday and blood is still so badly needed. Thanks to all those who helped with the day.

Birthday greetings are sent to Bonnie LaBrie, Mark Pankratz, Connie Wilkes, and Melvin Munsinger. Anniversary congratulations are sent to Bob and Tammy Voice, and Charlie and Cheryl Weaver.

When I was young I admired clever people. Now that I am old I admire kind people.


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