One Nation, Under God

Greeted by a sad sight in Dodson

Dear Editor,

Today when I went to the Post Office in Dodson, I was greeted with a sad sight.

I was given a big gift certificate to Guinan's Flowers in Billings for Mother's Day and used some of it to buy flowers to put in two pots in front of the Post Office to make it look nice. Carol Smith, our PM, also helped me fix up the beds in front of the Post Office with two bushes, and the rest was filled with rocks to make a rock garden. Larry Solberg went and got us some very pretty larger rocks to add to it.

It was looking very good, as we had both also sprayed around the property to rid it of dandelions and weeds and had it all mowed. Apparently, this was not making some people happy, as the flower pots were laying in the middle of the parking lot this morning, after having been damaged and sprayed with some sort of chemical. We are sure we know who did it but without proof cannot prosecute. It was suggested that maybe we will have to put up video cameras around to catch these malicious souls who seem intent on spoiling what we are trying to do to make it look nice for the reunion. It is kind of hard to figure out why people want to live here if they don't want the best for our town.

May God forgive you!

Terri Cole



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