One Nation, Under God

Senior citizen expressing appreciation for Malta

Dear Editor,

Once again I’m expressing my appreciation as a senior citizen in Malta. The best place in the world for seniors.

All the merchants in town are so helpful and most have handicap entrances.

Valley Drug keeps us straight with medicines.

GN serves senior lunches.

Albertsons has a handicap cart for visitors.

The banks offer free checking and money orders and cookies on Fridays.

The Senior Center has all kinds of activities.

The Malta High School gives us free tickets to games, concerts, and plays.

And if you can’t make the games KMMR always broadcast them for us. (Best sound around).

The Phillips Transit takes us anywhere we want to go, including church on Sundays.

PALS comes and cleans the house, does the laundry and dishes, the shopping and many other things.

But today I want to talk about the Hi-Line Retirement Center. A couple of weeks ago I spent a week as a resident there. It was just like being on vacation!

All of the help was very respectful, kind, and happy.

If you want to find Duane (Murray) he might be in some- ones room sitting on the floor working on a TV or climbing a ladder in the hallway to get into the attic, or in the basement helping maintenance fix the furnace.

The food is very good, also!

The day I visited with Duane he was eating lunch while paying bills. He shared one bill with me for $32,000.00 a quarter to pay the State of Montana bed tax on a non-profit struggling nursing home. That adds up to be $128,000.00 a year.

We need to ask our legislators why??

I met new people and visited old friends. I was having a vacation while Glenn got a new knee!

We as seniors need to appreciate all of these people periodically.

Lois Bruckner


P.S. See we can vacation here in Malta!


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