One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for April 28, 2021

The Dodson Lutheran and Catholic Ladies furnished lunch for the people donating blood at the Red Cross blood drawing on Thursday.

On Wednesday Mayor Cole was assisting the people installing Hi-Fi find existing lines and etc.

Polly Solberg was visiting Malta.

Dora Henry was in Malta on Friday. Bill Henry stopped at his mom's, Dora's, on Friday.

Things are pretty quiet around Dodson, probably due to a combination of the Covid and the continued colder weather. It still gets so cold at nights and we have had a couple of small rain/snow showers that keep us hopping but are welcome for the moisture they gave us. It has all been very wet and is making a difference on the lawns and such. The cold winds seem to blow almost every day and when you are out in them the cold seems to go right through a person.

I see a couple of the ladies around town are getting anxious to get their potatoes in the ground.

There have been several deaths of people we know and have been acquainted with. We send condolences to their families. We send condolences to Jim and Dee Shettel and their families on the passing of Jim's brother.

The closest a person ever comes to perfection is when he fills out a job application form.

Smiles to everyone---have a good week.


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