One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, May 26, 2021

We had the big rain and snowstorm that hit the whole state and it sure gave us a lot of good moisture over this week. The temperatures were down so hope too many people did not have tender new garden plants out.

Graduation was on Friday night and then supper was served at the Lutheran church by the mothers.

Dora Henry and Bill Henry of Havre attended the funeral of their niece/cousin, Barbara Darrah, in Malta on Thursday. It was wonderful to see people we have not seen for a long time but sad that it almost always takes a funeral to get so many together. More cousins were going to come from Choteau, but six inches of snow, plus it was still snowing hard made traveling impossible.

It is nice to see all the different birds that have appeared lately, lots of the little yellow canary like, they like to come when the dandelions are in bloom.

Birthday greetings to Mary Nordlund, Larry Solberg, George Anderson, and all others celebrating birthdays this week. Anniversary congratulations to all having one this week.

If you're stopped by the police, shut off your engine and put your mouth in neutral.

Enjoy your week----warmer weather is coming. Have a safe and happy Memorial Day, the cemeteries should be beautiful.


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