One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The temps this last week have been pretty warm, but I do enjoy a warm day with a cool evening!

I flew Cape Air to Billings and back this week. The ride was very smooth and uneventful, and I’d recommend it if you need to go to Billings. While in Billings I had a Dermatology appointment and my sister Debbie honored me with a birthday party!

I’m on another trip around the sun!

Congratulations to Amus, Everette, and Etta Blunt on the birth of their sister, Dorothy Lynn! Pete and Carol Lumsden are so excited to welcome number 9! Mother Whitney is doing well, as is father Jay! Great grandparents are Ruth and John Flansaas!

Rod Stordahl’s family visited with me on Sunday for lunch. They had been to Kalispell for an appointment where they visited with Aunt Dee Arndt. Some bird hunters are showing up in the area! They have been successful, but also are realizing that the populations are down.

Connie Wasson will host Bible study on Wednesday.

Don’t forget to save the date, Saturday, October 2, is the annual Loring Fall Dance!

Sherrie Ottinger stopped at the museum to visit with me on Friday. The museum is open until Thursday, September 30!

I hope everyone has a safe Labor Day and wonderful September!


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