One Nation, Under God

Memories for Wednesday, November 24, 2021

10 years ago-


November 23, 2011

City’s still working on water meter rate system

The City of Malta’s move to using water meters for billing its customers likely won’t happen by the start of the new year.

That was the initial goal, but Mayor Shyla Jones said Monday in an interview with the PCN that delays in the process of establishing the rates that will be used and the fact that it is going to be hard to hold work meetings in the midst of the holiday system, let alone a public hearing, will likely delay the process.

At its first work meeting, Mayor Jones proposed that the water rate remain at $21.50 a month for the first 30,000 gallons of water used with an additional charge of $2 for every 5,000 gallons used above that per month. The rate would apply to water users with three-quarter or one-inch service lines.

Malta Speech, Drama second at Conrad, McGinty earns 1st

Malta High School Speech and Drama Team competed in the Conrad Invitational Speech and Drama meet on Nov. 19.

Skye McGinty placed first in Expository Speaking and Amanda Mummy placed second in Pantomime.

D’Andre Haag – fifth in Humorous Oral Interpretation, Amber Johnson – sixth, and Kim Perry – eighth in Serious Oral Interpretation.

Other members of the Malta Speech and Drama Team competing were Justin Wright, Briana Johanneson, Ashleigh Steirs, Josh Carillo, and Zach Wright.

Malta High’s Speech Team placed second at the Conrad Invitational.

Malta High School’s Speech and Drama team is coached by Anna LaBrie and Erik Engebretson.

Showing at the Villa

Footloose starring Kenny Wormald and Julianne Hough


25 years ago-


November 20, 1996

Partial skull probably early Indian

That partial skull found earlier this fall by hunters alongside a reservoir in south Phillips County is probably that of a “prehistoric, adult male of predominantly Mongoloid ancestry, between the ages of 24 and 84,” according to Dr. Randall Skelton, University of Montana Department of Anthropology.

The skull which was turned over to the Phillips County Sheriff’s Office was sent into the Montana State Medical Examiner who turned it over to the Anthropology department.

The skull is probably that of a Native American, Dr. Skelton concluded.

Sheriff Gene Peigneux said that according to state law, the skull will be turned over to Fort Belknap officials for reburial, if possible, as close to the location as possible where it was discovered.

State DOT and County work out plans to maintain 242 in winter months

You may not notice much difference, but the Loring Road became part of the National Highway System (NHS) officially this year and an agreement between Phillips County and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDOT) means county taxpayers will no longer foot the bill for winter maintenance.

The Loring Road, formerly Secondary 242, officially became part of US Highway 191 on November 1st this year. The move was intended to improve prospects for state or federal funding to upgrade the road and to ensure central Montana is served by a good National Highway System route, MDOT officials said.

Showing at the Villa Theatre

The Ghost and the Darkness starring Michael Douglas and Val Kilmer


50 years ago-


December 2, 1971

Concert Tonight At H.S. Auditorium

“An Evening of Music” is the theme for a concert to be presented by the Malta High School music department on Thursday, at the high school auditorium at 7:15 p.m.

Band Director Robert Rundle and chorus director Richard Anderson have planned the program “to suit everyone’s taste in music.”

Selections by the concert band will include “Thunderbird,” “Trumpets Ole!” “Finlandia,” “Bubbling Woodwinds” and “A Touch of Tuba” featuring senior Brian Robertson on the tuba with band accompaniment.

The Choral Department will be using all three of its choirs in the concert. The high school mixed chorus will sing, “California Dreaming,” “This Girl is a Woman Now,” “Trains and Boats and Planes,” “Up, Up and Away,” “Pollution,” “Live a Humble” and “There is a Lady.”

The junior high chorus will sing “Adoramus Te,” “Who Will Buy” and “Traces.”

The Euterpes, a select high school mixed group, will perform “Speak Up,” “Monday, Monday” and “Bouree for Bach.”

Severeide is 1972 Junior Miss

Ann Severeide of Loring was crowned the 1972 Phillips County Junior Miss at the 10th annual Jaycee pageant held last Wednesday, Nov. 24, at the Malta High School auditorium.

The new Junior Miss is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Celius Severeide of Loring.

Miss Severeide was crowned by Pauline Olson, 1971 Junior Miss, and received the Junior Miss trophy and the traditional one dozen roses, and the $200 scholarship to the college of her choice. She will represent Phillips County at the State Junior Miss Pageant in Kalispell in January and her expenses will be paid by the Malta Jaycees.

Showing at the NEW Villa

Mrs. Pollifax – Spy starring Rosalind Russell


75 years ago-


November 28, 1946

Patrolman Captures Mexican

Had Been Hiding In Attic Of Shack In Harlem

Maurico Solano, a Mexican beet worker missing since Nov. 11, when he stole a car in Harlem and wrecked it near Dodson, killing one man and injuring another, was captured in the attic of an unheated shack near Harlem where he had been hiding since the accident. Solano had previously been sought under the name of Pete Gaiczetor.

Patrolman Jerry Johnson, who with a deputy sheriff from Harlem arrested the man, said the house had been previously searched and shots had been fired into the ceiling.

Solano was in serious condition from exposure and lack of food and water. The temperature had been -11 the previous night.

He told officers he had had nothing to drink and his only food had been two cans of hominy in the 10 days. Injuries received in the accident were facial cuts.

The man said he did not know anyone had been killed in the wreck, which demolished the car owned by H.P. Thronson, Harlem banker.

Solano appeared before Judge John Hurly in district court Tuesday morning on a charge of manslaughter. The court continued the case and James T. Harrison was appointed to represent him.

Traffic Court

Business was brisk in traffic court during the week and the following cases were handled:

Miles Tuma, Malta, no clearance lights, $10; Clifford Tuttle, Malta, no clearance lights, $10; Fred King, Saco, reckless driving, $25; Willard Schlegel, Malta, drunk driving, $150; Marius Larson, Malta, defective lights, $10; Harold Koppel, Saco, defective lights, $10.

Showing at the Palace

Without Reservations starring John Wayne and Claudette Colbert


100 Years Ago - 1921

- Robert Farnsworth, better known as Old Daddy, was found frozen to death on the road near Zortman. He was a well-known sheepherder and had been making his way from Zortman to Landusky.

- Fred Robinson had returned from a trip to Deer Lodge, whither he had gone to deliver a prisoner convicted here on a burglary charge.

- Allin G. Arnot was in town, on vacation from his duties at a Detroit bank. He left here to visit his brother, J.E. Arnot, in Glasgow.

- The fish and game commission reported an exceedingly poor elk season. Only 100 animals had been bagged in the entire state.


118 Years Ago – 1903

- Page 1 of the Enterprise of that date reported one of the most unusual wills on record. A miner found dead in his shack in British Columbia had scrawled on the door of his shack, prior to his demise, the following: “The State: May Have All It Finds. I’ve Got No Relatives.”

- Editor Smiley welcomed the Harlem Republican to the Fourth Estate fold in these parts. The new paper was a four-page affair.

- On the crime front, there had been another fracas in a saloon in Glasgow, the county seat; one with an unusual ending. A character known as “Kid” Flannigan took on too many and then took a shot at Alfonso Ladonett. He hit his man, but the bullet was deflected by a quantity of letters and other material in Ladonett’s pocket. Ladonett then turned on his assailant, wrested the gun from him, and gave a thorough beating with the butt of his own weapon.


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