One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, January 19, 2022

At least the weather has given us a little reprieve and we are having some fairly pleasant days and some of the snow is disappearing.

So many things have happened this week---we send condolences to the entire Plouffe and Henry and related family and especially to Wilma (Henry) Plouffe and immediate family in the passing of Garry Plouffe. May God be with you all at this time. The worst part of a funeral is that you see and talk with relatives and friends that you have not seen for sometimes long periods of time.

My son Bill came down for the funeral and picked me up so I could go and son Art was also there as Garry was his wife's uncle. I have a problem with all the ice etc. and Bill is so helpful in helping me.

I am so very pleased that we are seeing bare ground again and the lawns are showing through.

Congratulations to Scott and Tammy on their anniversary and anyone else having one this week and birthday greetings to Paul Mortenson and all others having a birthday.

The most painful tears are not the ones that fall from your eyes and cover your face. They are the ones that fall from your heart and cover your soul.

Have a wonderful week and greet your neighbor----take advantage of the nicer weather. We do live in a wonderful place!


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