One Nation, Under God

Malta Middle School 2nd Trimester Honor Roll for 2021-2022

The following Malta Middle School students have made the Honor Roll for the second trimester of the 2021-22 school year.

8th Grade: Mackayla Bachmeier, MJ Beaman, Kylie Bishop, Sadie Branham, Kendall Clausen, Jericho Eklund, Sonny Gray, Dawson Hammond, Shaylee Hines, Neva Jacobson, Kara Johnson, Brooklynn Knowles, Karlie LaBrie, Kenzie LaBrie, Layla Messerly, Alexandria Oshio, Alyssa Scott, Straud Sims, Lola Snell, Emree Stuart, Denvyr Tuss, Amanda Volk, and Kael Young.

7th Grade: Bridger Benton, Emma Ereaux, Landon Honey, Caitlyn Lankford, Averee Matthews, Robert Mayer, Carly Mears, Renzey Raymond, Oslo Stenberg, and Tailynn Wilke.

6th Grade: Addison Benson, Steeler Blunt, Kamber Brockie, Husdon Honey, Trevor Knowles, Hoyt Mahan, Kazner Ozarart, Jeremy Scott, Sabra Sims, Lane Spencer, Kruise Stiles, Taya Wilke, and Silas Young.


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