One Nation, Under God

Where did the time go?

This past weekend, I believe I was abducted!

I woke up, ready to get something done. I had a list of projects in my head and was ready to be productive. Then I remembered that my phone had gone off. I had a message from someone. So I checked that and sent a message back. Then I checked Facebook, because why not, I was already on my phone. And then I played a game on my phone. Then back to Facebook. Sent a couple more messages, and then I looked at the clock. Where the heck did those five hours go!?

I couldn’t have been on my phone that long. I’m never on my phone that long! I’m the one that makes fun of everyone else that is constantly on their phone.

I know! I had to have been abducted by aliens! No, that only seems to happen in the south. It could have been some kind of time warp. Maybe it was something with daylight savings time, or something was messed up with the space-time continuum! Whatever that is.

After I sat there stunned for a few minutes, I looked back at the clock and made an executive decision. I did not have enough time to do what I had planned on doing that day. The game I wanted to watch was on in a half-hour and there was no way to do the stuff after that.

I seriously doubled my weekly time on my phone in just that one day. I couldn’t believe it. I will never let that happen again!

If you believe that, there’s a bridge in London I would like to sell you!

It doesn’t happen too often for me, and when it does, it throws my whole day off. I hope everyone else had a somewhat productive weekend. At least more than I had!


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