One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Of course I know that a winter storm can roll through any month! This one was a doozy and we’ve had very little snow all year. Then overnight it snowed and snowed. No wind! So before we could have church on Easter morning, Kenny Clark got the patio and the front all cleared from snow! I think there was 5 inches! So thankful for the snow!

I went to town on Saturday morning to get fruit for the next day. I met Tina Russell for breakfast before she started on her way with Janet Johnston back to Florida!

I went over to Pete and Carol Lumsdens for Easter dinner. Other guests were Carmen Norville and daughters, Ellie, Aubrie, and Cecilia. On Saturday, Carol and I, Aubrie and Cecilie attended the baby shower for Tatum Moore in Whitewater! It was a fun day visiting with friends! Rebecca and Robert Engum of Great Falls, were the Easter weekend guests of Cindy Clark. Joining them for dinner was Kenny Clarks family.

It was fantastic to see the Loring Hall being the venue for the Johannesen family Easter gathering!

Hearing the meadowlarks singing in the mornings and evenings just gives my heart a smile! Hopefully we’ll see the spring blooms popping up soon. I know that Jeanie Green has picked crocuses already. I’m thinking the yellow bells should be coming out soon. Let me know if you see them or a buttercup, or johnnie jump up!

Have a great week! Be kind!


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