One Nation, Under God

Partial Listing of Servicemen from Phillips County Who Died in Service Or Soon After due To Their Injuries

The Casualties of War List of the State of Montana lists the following Servicemen from Phillips County.

WWI: William Boettcher, Paul Burnham, Harold Clark, Chrision Kerp, Oscar Larum, Fred McGillis, Lawrence Rawdon, Carl Schultz, George Swanke, and Gust Swanson.

WWII: John Albus, Thomas Appelhans, Mathew Armstrong, Carl Brun, Benjamin Chopwood, Kenneth Combes, Pete Demarais, Norman Deo, Ralph Freburg, Howard Hayes, Willard Holmquist, Byron Hurley, Merle Kaasa, Edward Kuntz, Glen Lyden, Arthur Newton, Clifford Pehlke, Harold Piper, Lancer Robertson, Rudolfo Rodriques, Raymond Scheele, Mike Shor...


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