One Nation, Under God

Malta Kids Club Is "Out Of This World" June 6 through August 18

Malta Kids Club has a summer full of galactically cool activities that are “Out of This World” planned for June 6th- August 18th, 2022. Program hours will be 1:00pm to 5:00pm Mondays through Thursdays.

All kids ages 5 (enrolled in Kindergarten 2022-2023) through the 12th grade are welcome to join. The program is free of charge. Membership forms are available on our facebook page or at our front desk.

Get ready to learn about astronomy, galaxies, outerspace, constellations and the planets. Malta Kids Club will be featuring galactically cool activities, like Mission Control, Space Adventures, Galactic Game Masters, Battlestar Builders and more!

“We are really excited to be able to bring in the portable STAR LAB planetarium from the Museum of the Rockies July 11th-21st,” said Club Director, Sonia Young. “We have featured the Star Lab in years past and it has always been fun for everyone!” A family STARLAB evening event is tenatively planned for July 21st.

Malta Kids Club is also featuring a 1st LEGO League Robotics camp and a Star Gazer Theatre Camp 9am-12pm during the month of July. Space is limited for these camps and only students who are truly interested are encouraged to sign up. The camps are free of charge. Forms will be available during the month of June.

Preventing summer learning loss is important because it affects nearly all students to some degree. For example, research indicates that most students lose about two months’ worth of math skills during a single summer.

Malta Kids Club is a high-quality afterschool and summer program funded by an OPI 21st Century Community Learning Center grant. Goals are to help bridge learning gaps in reading, math, and science, and also strengthen social emotional skills, like paying attention and working collaboratively.

Malta Kids Club partners with schools and community groups to help create effective programming that keeps learning alive all year long. If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact Club Director, Sonia Young, at 1-406-654-2378. Malta Kids Club is located at 101 South 7th Street West, in Malta.


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