One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Another successful fair has come and gone. People I talked to said it was good and they enjoyed the exhibits etc. Hope the attendance was up to what was expected.

Dora Henry's nephew, Eddie Lee Hanson, and wife Sandie of Lewistown visited Dora on Sunday afternoon. They were up for church in Malta and to check out the fair.

It is certainly dry again, but we have been lucky so far on fires. Linda Vulk of East Helena told her mom there was a big fire in a wheat field just west of East Helena and if more of the fields were caught before they got it out part of East Helena could be in danger. They were flying in the orange fire retardant and were flying in water dumps from the lake.

Hardly seems possible but school will be starting at the end of this month again and time seems to be moving fast.

Several new faces are to be seen in some of the houses around town. Good to see some of the empty houses fill up again.

Kristi Wilson took her mom Teri Leys to Spokane on Monday so they could treat two cancers on the frontal lobe of her brain with radiation.

Happy Birthday greetings and congratulations are sent to all having a birthday or anniversary this week.

A woman who thought she had a problem went to a psychiatrist. When she got home, she told her husband the doctor said she was perfectly normal.

“So, what did he tell you to do about that terrible grouch you've gone around with for 30 years?”, her husband asked. She smiled. "Your name didn't come up."

Have a good week----and smile.


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