One Nation, Under God

September is a Busy Military Month

The full month of September is considered National Suicide Prevention Month and is joined by National Service Dog Awareness Month.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, suicide is the leading cause of death in the United States.

The Service Dogs are invaluable to the Veterans who suffer from PTSD; the bond between a person who suffers from PTSD and their service dog is a true and deep relationship.

Patriot’s Day is celebrated on September 2 where some local VFW clubs offer contests for students: grades 6-8 is an essay event and grades 9-12 is the Voice of Democracy where students record their ‘essays’ for judging.

September 11 is recognized for obvious reasons, mostly relating to terrorist attacks on the towers in New York City and the Pentagon.

Reenactments of great battles are held as are marathons such as the Boston Marathon.

Constitution Week is September 17-23. Bells ring out on September 17 signifying the date our constitution was signed.

U.S. Air Force day is celebrated on September 18 commemorating the birth of this very important organization.

The Air National Guard was formed on September 18, 1947, as a reserve of the U.S. Air Force. Any Governor or the President of the United States can call the guard up at a moment's notice.

The National POW/MIA Recognition Day is celebrated on the third Friday in September. It honors those who were prisoners of war or who are still missing in action. It is mostly linked to the Vietnam War. (Wikipedia)

Gold Star Mother’s Day recognizes the mothers who lost a son or daughter in the U. S. Armed Services.

And, lastly VFW, Day commemorates the hard-working and sacrifice of the veteran men and women who have selflessly served in the United States of America.


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