One Nation, Under God

Saturday is Indian Taco Day at the Senior Center

Saturday, September 17, 2022, will feature an Indian Taco dinner at the Malta Senior Center at 110 St W. Serving will begin at 11 a.m. and conclude at 1 p.m. with a free-will offering going towards the center’s new entryway and construction of an awning.

The Taco Dinner began approximately around 2019 and has been held each year with the exception of the pandemic. Marlyn Orahood, former director, now deceased, was a fan of the Indian Days at the Dodson School and became inspired to do something to honor the event. Thus, the birth of Indian Tacos which proved to be a popular venue.

There will be no less than FOUR baskets to be raffled off with a Thunder Gourd valued at $90 as first prize. Baskets feature home canned goods, fresh garden produce, kids items, and many more interesting goodies

Tickets are on sale by the center’s members and will be sold at the door. Check out our ad in the Phillips County News and come enjoy good foods, renew friendships, and by all means, check out the new entryway at the Malta Senior Center.


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