One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Oh my goodness, you loyal readers, you won’t believe this! I’ve been watching five little birds for nearly a week now. At first, I wasn’t sure what kind they were, the sunlight makes it harder to see the color. But they are eastern bluebirds! Yes! I’ve tried to get a good photo, but just can’t get close enough to get a good one. They roost in the eves of the roof over the deck, all cuddled together. I certainly have been blessed by these colorful birds!

The North Country Mavericks earned third place in the state volleyball tournament in Bozeman this weekend! Congratulations to the team and coaches and all the support staff!

I saw Larry and LeAnn Ochsner at the specialty fair last week. Their Montana jewelry is beautiful! He says he checks out my column so, a shout out to him!

The Kyler Bingo Benefit at the North 40 on Saturday was a success! Jeanie Green and Kristine Neilson made the dinner of stew, pigs in blankets, and many desserts.

Carol Lumsden, Cindy Clark and I went over to enjoy the fun. Whitney and Jay Blunt and their family also attended

and were lucky in winning. I think three of them won! The benefit brought in $1100 plus. A family never knows when a tragedy might strike, and every bit of help is very much appreciated.

Winter seems to have set in. Temperatures were even below zero for the lows. The snow is covering the hillsides in a blanket of white sparkles. But that’s the way it is in northern Montana, four distinct seasons!

So, until next week be safe and kind!


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