One Nation, Under God

Speech & Debate Team on the Road

"Roadtrip" and traveling are not something new to the dedicated members of the Malta Speech and Debate Team that traveled this weekend to Worden for the Huntley Project Invite for a competition. Though not so strong in the number department, the seven members of the S&D team are proud of their skills and talents that the extracurricular activities continues to build and develop.

The seven include seniors Ruby Simanton, Izzie Hallenberg, and Hailee Hoven; junior Anthony Van Nus; and freshmen Kara Johnson, Maebel Schiffbauer, and Kyle Mayer.

Izzie took 8th, Maebel took 9th, and Hailee took 12th in the competition where over 300 students were all giving their performance for the judging panel. There were over 30 kids in each category for the kids to make their best showing of articulation, expression and presentation.

Last week in Shelby, freshman Maebel Schiffbauer claimed first in Humorous Oral Interpretation. Ruby Simanton and Hailee Loven placed third in Humorous Theatre; and Izzie Hallenberg in the Dramatic Oral Interpretation placed second. Anthony Van Nus placed second in the Informative category. Kara Johnson claimed seventh place in Humorous Oral Interpretation. Kyle Mayer also traveled to compete in the event.

This weekend the Divisional competition will bring together teams in Power-Dutton-Brady. They will be accompanied by Coach Anna LaBrie and Assistant Coach James Howland. Parents also follow and support the septet from Malta High School.

Nice performances, students, and good luck this weekend.


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