One Nation, Under God

P. C. V. Firefighters will hold Annual Burger Feed at Ag Days

Agricultural Days are approaching once again. The Phillips County / Malta Volunteer Fire Department would like to invite the community to our annual goodwill burger feed. It is understood that we would only be able to provide the services we do with the support of the entire Phillips County community, businesses, and ranches. The Volunteer Fire Department would like everyone to know how much we appreciate the enormous support we receive. We are incredibly grateful and are not unaware of how much is given to the department to help it function.

The number of individuals and organizations that lend aid is too long to list without additional pages added to the newspaper. However, there are some that we felt it was important to share and make public the contributions they have made. First, we would like to thank the businesses that employ our Firefighters, Farmers and Ranchers, Central Avenue Pit Crew, Ezzie's Wholesale, Valley Drug, Phillips County Insurance, and Henderson Trucking. They have allowed employees to be absent from work to provide this essential service to the community. We understand the strain this can add when running a business and how it can hurt the company financially. I want to give all the employers of our firefighters a big shout-out.

The Fire Department would also like to use this opportunity to give special recognition to First State Bank. Earlier this year, First State Bank learned that the Fire Department was updating several critical pieces of equipment and reached out to see how they could assist us in this endeavor. The donation made by First State Bank allowed for the purchasing of three Scott™ Sight In-Mask Thermal Imaging units. These units provide hands-free thermal imaging to firefighters with built-in thermal imaging cameras and display in the mask. The advantages provided will allow for safer and more effective attacks on fires in the future.

Again, it must be said and cannot be emphasized enough the gratitude we at the Fire Department feel towards the assistance we are provided. We invite you to join us on the 24th for the excellent food and to look at some of the new equipment we use to protect our community that was funded by your generosity.


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