One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Sympathy to all shoveling deep snow, like in California. We Montanans are more used to tough winters.

Most of Whitewater area went to basketball tournaments in Billings.

Congratulations to the North County Mavericks and all players on the team! Some folks also went to games in Great Falls, to see the Mustangs and the M-ettes.

The Whitewater School band got to go to the Billings games, congratulations. The band adds so much. Also, congratulations to our own Samantha Wisher who sings the National Anthem, she does such a beautiful job.

Happy Birthday to all March birthdays and Happy Anniversary to those celebrating.

March 20, 2023, is the long awaited, first day of spring, March 17, 2023, is St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t forget to eat some corn beef and cabbage.

Thinking ahead to April, Palm Sunday is April 2, 2023, Easter Sunday is April 9, and a breakfast is planned.

Whitewater got two more inches of snow. Most of Phillips County got more snow, too. However, it didn’t stop people from going to the games.

Think Spring!

Just for fun have a spaghetti sandwich!

Here is the joke of the week from KMMR.

“What do you call a camel with no humps? Hump free!”

(I did not write this joke)

Have a good week.

Helen A.


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