One Nation, Under God

Locals Working to Celebrate County's Musical History

Music has been part of our country for many years and music here in Phillips County is no exception. From the days of gathering in the living room in the evenings to making our way to the country dances across the hills and plains, we have been fortunate to have experienced what some can only dream of.

Local residents, Lorraine Watson and Elaine Enerson would like to preserve the memories of musicians in a booklet. Lorraine Watson is working on it as her part of the Watson Family, while Elaine is doing it in memory of her brother, Benny Milks.

Too easily the names of those who have provided music, song, and dance are drifting away. It won’t be but a generation and the names will be difficult to remember, and if the family is no longer living here or the last of the family passes, then history will be easy to forget.

We don’t want this particular part of history to fade into the sunset – putting it down in a historical means of preservation is the least we can do. A legacy needs to be left for the next generation.

A letter was provided to the musicians attending the Jam session at the VFW at the beginning of the year and the response has been good. It is interesting to learn where these musicians alone have played and who they have played with. There are many talented musicians, young and old, right here in the county. Sadly, many have left us as well.

Lorraine and Elaine welcome any questions and ask that you pass the word along to family and friends, both in the area and out of the area. Lorraine can be reached at 406-654-2023 and Elaine can be reached at 406-654-2388


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