One Nation, Under God

City Gears Up For Spring

The City Council met Tuesday, May 9; following the pledge to the flag, the minutes were approved and the agenda for the meeting was approved. The audit committee reviewed claims and the payroll was approved. The floor was opened for public input on Resolution 1328 – A Resolution Adopting a Capital Improvements Plan for the City of Malta. There was no one in attendance to offer any input.

Proof that spring is finally upon us was the word as City Public Works Director Jim Truelove gave his report. City restrooms are now open and operating. The City has been patching the streets; he stated there are quite a few streets that need repair work. Truelove said City worker Nick Cilz has been doing a good job on street sweeping.

In preparation for the next "season,"the mosquito spray is here.

The City has had two digs lately. He stated that work will begin on the City pool to do some patching in preparation for the opening of swim season.

A bid from Todd's Technology was received and reviewed by council members. The bid includes eight cameras, four in the gym, two in the weight room and two in the hallways. The item will be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Compliance Ordinance Coordinator Mike Muñoz addressed the Council. He said he has been in contact with various churches and is trying to work with everyone to work on compliance as a community. Mike stated that he no longer wants to be the Animal Control Officer (ACO), and will be giving up the vehicle he was provided for his work, stating it is a 1995 truck that is only two wheel drive and does not work well for what he needs.

Muñoz has been working with his clientele and offering them towing of their vehicle if need be. He stated he is working with Joe Peigneux to get the vehicles taken care of.

PWD Truelove said the landfill is now open on Saturdays.

The City has been approached about a variance by the Senior Citizen Center, the variance committee met with the Senior Citizen representative on Wednesday to discuss the variance request. The variance is for an awning at the Center.

Matt Mudd (of Great Northwest) addressed the Council as to the lift station. A chain-link fence will be erected. He said a survey is in the works due to the area being in a flood zone.

Under new business action was taken on the Resolution 1328, motion passed with aye vote from all Councilmembers.

Members also voted to approve the sprinkler loan application submitted by Wanda and Ruby Bushman.

Gina Lamb was in attendance at the meeting to ask the City to waive the user fee at the Event Center, on behalf of the EMCMHC (Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center) and the Phillips County Coalition for Healthy Choices. The group is looking to promote family engagement and will host a Father-Daughter dance on Friday, June 16. The Council approved the waiver of fees.

Melody Wilkes, Director of MOI, was on the agenda to ask for a fee waiver for the Event Center on Friday, May 26, 2023. The MOI will be hosting a dance and groups from Havre and Glasgow will be invited. It was a huge success last fall, and they are anxious to host it again. The Council approved the waiver of user fees. The meeting was adjourned, with the next meeting set for Tuesday, May 23rd at 5 p.m.


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