One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, June 7, 2023

This week has been wonderful with all the special birds I’ve heard and seen! A red-headed Flicker, which is similar to a woodpecker, flew into my trees one day. An oriole was singing away in my Cottonwood tree early one morning along with house wrens, kingbirds, robins, and meadowlarks! Plus, one day in the museum I got to visit with several birders from around the country!

My friend Fran left on Friday on her way to visit Gene Compton and then on to Seattle to get on the ferry for the trip to Juneau! My brother Scott showed up on Thursday to stay for a few ays and take in the 60’s reunion in Malta. We went to Turner to see the family in the cemetery and stopped at the Border Bar for a burger! If you ever travel that direction the burgers are yummy!

You know it rained so much during May and now in June, the grass is tall and so green! Water is standing in the fields!

The ranchers have started branding the calves to put them out for summer grazing. It’s a busy time of year with seeding and spraying on top of everything else!

I had a chance to attend the class reunion in Malta with Scott. I visited with many people and several remarked about this column! Shout out to Tracy from Austin!

The reunion was very well planned and many grads and their plus ones attended! A shout out to Dianne Salsbery and her crew for the successful gathering! The event was at the Tin Cup.

Cindy Clark, Lu Besel and Carol Lumsden were dinner guests of Dixie Stordahl and Fran Compton on Wednesday! Then we all played Rummikub! Carol won twice and Fran took the top on the third one!

The strawberry moon was beautiful when the clouds cleared and I could actually see it! It seems bigger in the summer, I think!

Summer solstice will be here before we know it! I guess we’ve got two weeks! But I might forget to wish everyone well then so I’m doing it now. Be safe and be happy! Also, thanks to all my readers for enjoying this bit of reading!


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