One Nation, Under God

PCMS Winners from First Weekend

Die-hard fans were out to support drag strip racing on Sunday, June 4th, as motor revved, tires were spun and an occasional cloud of smoke emerged from the tarmac.

In the BOX SUPER PRO the winner was Jesse Dobson of Scobey, MT with Britney Thornton finishing as Runner-up.

The JUNIOR DRAGSTER race saw Titus John Carnahan, of Malta, emerge as the winner; Elena Enget of Tioga, ND won second place honors.

In the NO BOX PRO category, Havre's Mark Maxwell took home the honors; Randy Neset of Tiogo, ND was second.

Kyle Stahl, Glasgow, won the SPORTSMAN category and runner-up was Morgan Hammons, who hails from Havre.

The only Malta native in the winning bracket was Titus John Carnahan, a third generation racer with goals set.

The PCMS will host point races on Saturday and Sunday, June 17-18. Good luck to all contestants.


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