One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, June 21, 2023

I noticed that some of the alfalfa fields and grassy prairie have been swathed. The swaths look pretty big. It’ll be so nice to get a bunch of bales for the winter! The wildflowers are prolific and add lots of colors to the prairie! I’ve heard a couple of orioles this past week. It’ll be the summer solstice this week so enjoy the long daylight!

Rod Stordahl drove me to Billings on Thursday for a Dermatology appointment. We stayed until Sunday so we could attend Brentton Stordahl’s marriage to Abby Harpold. It was a beautiful ceremony at Riverfront Park.

My flycatchers have hatched and are close to fledging! So, I’ll probably have one more batch before the summer is gone.

It must have rained a little in the past few days. I know it did on Sunday. I don’t have a gauge yet but think we got a quarter inch. My flowers still look pretty good so I’m thankful for the water!

The town of Loring is all mowed up and looking fantastic! Thank you to Kenny and Cindy Clark! I know it takes quite a while especially if they have to get off the mower to pick up trash!

Carol spread out the grass seed at the church and it is looking pretty good too! Just have to keep the hoppers away!

Until next week! Enjoy the birds, stars, and flowers!


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