One Nation, Under God

Blood Drive: Giving to Those in Need

Despite the heat, the threat of impending storm and busy schedules, the communities in Phillips County turned out Thursday the 13th of July and met the goal for blood quota.

This draw was held at the Little White Church to provide a comfortable climate for the donors.

Teresa Hotchkiss, local Red Cross Coordinator, said, “We had 44 donors, which is great for a summer drive, the quota was 35. Four donors contributed under Power Red, in which two pints are drawn.” This allows the donor to only have to donate every other time.

“I am thankful for Velyma Broadhead for help with registration, and the Little White Church congregation members for refreshments. I appreciate Tammy Peterson and Valin of the Malta Steak 4-H Club for coming in for cleanup.”

Not all donors signed the release form to have their name printed. There was one new youth that signed up to donate, however she was unable to donate. There were several that were unable to give this time around due to low iron.

While there were those who were giving for the second or third time, Marilyn Taylor donated pint #125! Dara Wilke donated pint # 33, hitting the four gallon mark. Congratulations and thank you. Each pint has the possibility of assisting in life saving measures for three individuals.

Some of those generously donating include Patti Webb, Barb Peterson, Ken Blunt, Alisha Gibbs, Dan Wiederrick, Heidi Luloff, Vincent Schmoeckel, Eric Wilke, Sharon Emond, Donna Scheffelmear, Mike Lang, Ross Salsbery, Mitch Demarais, Donald Voegel, Ken Ruzicka, Lauren Tuss, Janine Tuss, Tia Siewing, Carol Kienenberger, and Laurie Hofer.

The next blood draw is scheduled for Thurs. Sept. 7th at the Event Center.


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