One Nation, Under God

Legals for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

In accordance with MCA 7-5-2123(b), please be advised that the Phillips County Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for June 30, 2021 and June 30, 2022 have been completed. The report is available and will be provided upon request from the Clerk & Recorder.

Phillips County Board of Commissioners

Lynnel LaBrie, Clerk

(Published by Phillips County News 7/26/2023)



Notice of Meeting

The Malta School Board of Trustees will meet August 9, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the Malta High/Middle School for the purpose of considering and adopting the Final Budget for Malta K-12 School District 14A. The meeting of the Trustees may be continued from day to day until the final adoption of the District’s Budget. Any taxpayer in the District may attend the meeting and be heard for or against any part of the budget. This notice is given per the requirements of MCA 20-9-115.

For further information, please contact Jane Knudsen, Business Manager/District Clerk, Malta

Public Schools - 654-1871.

(Published by Phillips County News 7/26/2023)



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